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Product Design

Aktualisiert: 1. Apr. 2021

5. Semester (Auslandssemester)


Subject is designing a nutcracker, which is an essential element of kitchen equipment, especially useful in autumn period, when these fruits are ripe. The designed object should include aesthetic qualities of modern design. When designing, please consider all aspects that will help you define the best model of the object, such as: functionality, target group, material it will be made of, nuts crushing technique, style of interior or other space where the object will be stored, inspirations of other objects around, architecture or natural elements in the surrounding environment. It is possible to add additional functions to the item. Please take an unprecedented approach to this task. The completed project should be presented in the form of presentation on boards, saved PDF-format, containing: description, technical specification (technical drawing), illustrations and visualizations. It is advisable to make a model or a prototype of the finished item.


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